As you may have guessed, we're all outdoor enthusiasts here at ViewRanger. We are hillwalkers, sailors, cyclists, glider pilots, mountain bikers, kite-buggy racers, and more!
From time to time, we'll be introducing you to members of the ViewRanger team and welcoming guest blog posts from our team that say "I am ViewRanger". We're also keen to hear stories from ViewRanger users too - and hopefully we'll post some of those to this blog from time to time.
First up, is our cycling champion Eric. Whether it's on the road or in the velodrome, Eric is the fastest thing in the ViewRanger office on two wheels. The only thing he's faster at? Writing code for Android handsets.

Hello – my name is Eric. I am one of the software engineers here at ViewRanger. I joined the ViewRanger team to help bring the ViewRanger experience to the Android mobile platform. We've taken some big steps forward and every day brings us closer to our goal of providing the full set of features on all our supported platforms.
In updates from me on our blog or Twitter and Facebook feeds, I'll be looking to highlight items of interest on the technical side of engineering ViewRanger GPS for Android, but I'll also try to put some of my other interests under the lamplight.
These include all manner of mobile, location-aware and communications-technology themes. I've been working on location-based software systems since the late 1990's, back when civilian GPS accuracy was measured in hundreds of metres and the Motorola Startac was the epitemy of cool.
But I'm also a competitive road and track racing cyclist and a some-times runner, with a keen interest in the integration of technology with these activities. I grew up hiking in the coastal mountain ranges of western Canada and still manage the odd ramble in the UK.
My 2010 road racing season finished off at the end of September. I had a steady year, with consistent results but no real stand out races. After a couple of weeks off it is time to start preparing for next year's season and aim to improve on that. I'll be planning and starting my 2011 training program in the coming weeks, which will coincide nicely with my ViewRanger development plan as I start to work on some more sports-orientated features. Stay tuned!
Also worth mentioning:
I will be at the
Droidcon conference in London this Thursday & Friday (28th & 29th). Let us know if you will be there as well!
Labels: we are viewranger