Android beta news

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A new beta release of ViewRanger for Android is available. It is version 2.1.0.

The ViewRanger Store section has been completely re-designed. It includes pictures and descriptions of the maps, and includes more route search options.

To install the beta use your phone's web browser to visit Tap on the Android logo to download, then tap on the downloaded file to install. If you use the Market version of ViewRanger, you need to wait for the release version.

All feedback welcome, to

Release news

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We have published updates for all versions of ViewRanger this week.

These updates add support for synchronizing routes and tracks with our new My.ViewRanger site, and with other devices. They also add improved account settings, and device management.

Android - version 2.0 is available from or the Android Market. As well as syncing it adds the new Trip view. Details here.

iPhone - version 2.0 is available from the App Store. As well as syncing it adds place name and route search, and commands like route from track. Details here.

Symbian - version 2.9.2 is available from If you get your software from an app store like Ovi, you need to wait for your app store to publish the update. As well as the syncing and account management, it improves internet access point handling. Details here.

New ViewRanger update in the Apple appstore

posted by cw on Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You'll notice a new ViewRanger update (V2.0.0) is now available to download from the Apple appstore.

This update refines and tidys some of the connectivity, that was introduced in the previous release, between the app and the new online community and trip planning website - including tidying some areas around account creation and sign in.

You'll also find that recorded tracks that now ordered more logically within the app, with newly recorded tracks listed at the top.

New In-App Map Regions Available

At the same time, we have added new in-app regional map products for France and for Northern Ireland. These provide a simple and quick way to purchase and download common recreational areas.

Some of the regions include:

Northern Ireland - 1:25,000 OSNI Activity Maps:

Lough Erne
Glens of Antrim
Causeway Coast
Strangford Lough

France - 1:25,000 IGN maps:

Parcs des Pyrénées Catalanes
Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne
Parcs de Loire / Isère
Parcs de Essonne / Aube
Parcs de Hautes Alpes / Maritimes
Parc Nat. Rég. Des Pyrénées Ariégeoises
Parc de Normandie Maine

and many more.


Beta news

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Thursday, May 12, 2011

Both the Symbian and Android betas have been updated.

Android is now version 1.5.11 and is available from It contains a fix to a track recording problem in the previous beta. It also makes the calculation of height gain and loss faster and more accurate and fixes a few other small problems. More details here.

Symbian is now version 2.9.2 and is available from It adds a new Account section to Settings, enabling you to manage your ViewRanger account in one place. On touch screen phones, ViewRanger now uses access point groups, to simplify internet access. More details here.

If you install your app from Android Market, Ovi, or another app store, please wait for the final release as these betas need a license key.

Love ViewRanger and want to feature in our new video?

posted by cw on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We'll be filming for our new promo video next Wednesday in the South Downs, England.

If you are a ViewRanger app user, in the area and available to participate at our filming location, then we'd love to include you.

If you are interested, then send an email to

Beta news

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Android beta has been updated to v1.5.7. In this release the account settings section has been improved, and includes support for adding your device to your account. There are a few trip view fixes too, and some drawing optimizations.

To install use the web browser on your phone to go to, tap on the Android logo, then tap on the downloaded file. If you get your app from the market, then you need to wait a little longer, this version will be published there shortly.

Mountain and Cave Rescue Awareness Day

posted by cw on Monday, May 02, 2011

Today, 2nd May, is Mountain and Cave Rescue Awareness Day.

ViewRanger will be in the hands of Judy and Gail - the “Twirlies” - to aid them on their fundraising Coast-to-Coast challenge walk that they start today in support of the MREW benevolent fund. Find out more about them and their challenge at:

At ViewRanger we're proud to be able actively supports MRT’s every day of the year through our VSAR program. The VSAR Program delivers ViewRanger software and detailed topographic mapping to search and rescue team members, such that today 50% of the England & Wales Mountain Rescue Teams use ViewRanger, saving them money compared to purchasing expensive dedicated outdoor GPS units.

ViewRanger includes its own BuddyBeacon tracking feature, which shares your location with other people. BuddyBeacon allows MRT members to see each other’s locations on their handsets, improving search co-ordination. There is also a web access to BuddyBeacon which means that MRT coordinators back at base can track rescue progress in real time, and tracklog recording helps with the reporting process after a rescue*.

ViewRanger's integration with Retrieva Tracking's GPS dog collar is also helping SARDA Search and Rescue Dog teams to track and follow their search dogs right alongside the team's human participants.

MRT teams say:

"Weather conditions were poor with visibility down to 50 metres in heavy snow. ViewRanger guided the stretcher party to and from the casualty site." Glossop Mountain Rescue Team

"At Kendal MRT we are finding the more we use ViewRanger the more we like it. Having just used it extensively in the Cairngorms during winter training we are impressed by the accuracy achieved, ease of use and its ability to supplement and reinforce more traditional navigation techniques. Not everyone in the team has a personal GPS enabled with a mapping facility, but all of us have and use mobile phones, so the addition of ViewRanger to team members with compatible phones is a very cost-effective way of enhancing our ability to operate in poor conditions, especially when working away from our ‘home’ area with other Teams." Kendal Mountain Rescue Team

"Once they had seen it in action, now all team members want it!" Dartmoor Rescue Group

Click here for more details on the search and rescue teams using ViewRanger.