ViewRanger Slovenia now available

posted by cw on Thursday, July 17, 2008

Slovenia is a beautiful country of spectacular mountains, caverns and waterfalls with wild untouched forests rich in wildlife - and we're pleased to say that with the launch of ViewRanger topographic and panoramic mapping for Slovenia, it is now even easier to explore with confidence.

ViewRanger Slovenia is the result of a partnership between Augmentra and Globalvision PIS d.o.o., a Slovenian GIS specialist. The Slovene Alpine Association have been testing ViewRanger for a while now - with great results.

Detailed 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 topographic mapping is available. You can download via our webstore the entire country at either scale, or download individual map tiles over-the-air direct to your handset.

Also available is a "Basics" bundle that includes ViewRanger's unique Panoramic mapping, overview mapping (1:250K), plus useful points of interest from the Survey and Mapping Authority in Slovenia, the Environmental Agency of Slovenia, and the Alpine Association of Slovenia.

Product details here.


ViewRanger version 2.5 released

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Monday, July 14, 2008

ViewRanger version 2.5 has now been released, please see the release notes for full details of the changes.

To download the free trial and sample mapping visit the download page.

If have already purchased ViewRanger and have an activation key then download the update from the software update page.