ViewRanger beta

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Thursday, September 10, 2009

We've released a new beta version of ViewRanger.

This beta can be used on any Symbian S60 phone, you don't need to register with us.

A big change is that Swedish and Finnish languages are now included.

There are also a number of small changes, the wiki has more details. For example, route length is displayed over the map when a route is selected or being created. The * and # keys now work for zooming on the E55.

Swedish mapping

posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Thursday, September 03, 2009

We are pleased to announce that ViewRanger maps of Sweden are now available.

There are two ways to buy the maps - either selecting your own map using the map chooser or by over the air download.

The maps are mainly Terrängkartan, 1:50000 scale, which covers all of Sweden except Norrbotten, Västerbotten and northern part of Jämtland County

Those others areas are covered by Fjällkartan (Mountain Map at 1:100000) for Swedish mountains from Salen to Treriksröset; and Vägkartan (Roadmap 1:100000) for the small remaining area in the north of Sweden.

Altitude and panorama labels are not yet available for Sweden.

A searchable 900,000 place name gazetteer is included.