Augmentra navigated it's way to the Cambridge Enterprise Conference, held at Churchill College in Cambridge, yesterday showing ViewRanger and AA Smart TravelGuide products as one of a carefully selected group of some of the most exciting and promising young companies from the East of England. Mike hotfooted it back down to Cambridge for the event, coming back from the Lake District where he had been busy testing ViewRanger for several days.
As you might imagine, there were several mobile phone related companies alongside ourselves(such as AlertMe and GrIDsure), but also companies developing other interesting technology including for very high speed ink-jet printing (Inkski), sniffer bees trained to sniff out explosives, and flying saucers for remote observation!
As a young company we are highly focused on providing the best outdoor navigation experience for our customers. BBC News 24, ITV, and other national press were in attendance and covered the ViewRanger story. But just as important, these kind of conferences provide an opportunity to talk to and compare notes with other groundbreaking and innovative companies.