ViewRanger FAQ / Wiki
posted by Mike Brocklehurst on Tuesday, May 29, 2007We've just added a FAQ / Wiki to the support part of the web site.
We'll be extending its content over time. If there is a topic you'd like to see covered then please let me know. Or if you have an article you'd like posted then send it to me and I'll post it there!
The page is available from It has a search box at the top.
It looks rather plain, but this is deliberate. It can be read using mobile web browsers, so we have kept the design as light as possible to minimise bandwidth. On phones like the N73 which have 2 browsers then use the newer "Web" browser rather than the old "Services" browser. Or use a browser like Opera. But if you have no other choice it will work in the "Services" browser and still use minimal bandwidth.