Trial for S60 3rd Edition Handsets Available

posted by cw on Wednesday, May 31, 2006

We've just posted a pre-release evaluation version of ViewRanger to the downloads page that will run on the Symbian V9 Series 60 3rd Edition handsets such as the Nokia 3250, N80, N91, E61, etc.

ViewRanger works just fine in the Landscape mode supported by some of these new handsets.

Review at

posted by cw on Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The folks at have published a review of ViewRanger. As smartphone experts they get to see and try most applications available for Symbian smartphones.

Top Story: ViewRanger reviewed - Satellite Navigation off the Beaten Track

Steve's the GPS fan in the AAS offices, and he's been trialling ViewRanger to find out how GPS and navigation works when you're away from the road network. ViewRanger gives an annotated panorama of the hills and valleys in front of you. Read why Steve was so impressed.

Support Note: Bluetooth GPS Receivers

posted by cw on Friday, May 05, 2006

Customers using ViewRanger v2.0.6 or earlier should contact us if they are having problems in getting ViewRanger to show your current position once connected to a BT-GPS device.

We have seen a small problem with a couple of BT-GPS receivers - such as the Royaltek RBT-1000 model. We have a patch that is available for customers who are experiencing this problem.
